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Sma It Solution Srl
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Sma It Solution Srl
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0 stars: Fara rating 10 pareri
#3579 din 3579 de Companii din Electronice & IT
Membru Gratuit din 2011
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Scrie o parere
Sma It Solution Srl Sma It Solution Srl 0772084577 Str. Serii, Nr. 7, Brasov, Brasov
Produse si servicii

IT Software

Tipul companiei

Prestator servicii

Piata de desfacere

Europa de Vest

Nr. angajati


Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2011!
SMA IT Solution is an afiliate company of SMA Informatique France, Software House.

In France, SMA-Informatique is on her highest hills of IT technologies in Software for Clinics, Schools and Wine Producers. Having partners like Microsoft and Fujitsu Siemens, Free Lander and LD Systeme, we are in top of IT Companies of France.

We came in Romania in October 2010, aiming to bring the latest software technologies on Romanian Market. Our team of developers tends to be always up to date with the latest IT trends, giving proof of commitment and involvement in each of the programs developed.

Our customers needs are our new tasks for our team. In the virtual world of software technology, everything it is possible with our help.

Contact details:

Din Gura in Gura